Sunday, October 26, 2014

How Wearables Need To Be Designed?

In consumer market, iPad was the last device that created new category in consumer market. Four long years has been passed since then and new devices are coming to disrupt the market again. Truly speaking iPad as not as disruptive as Smartphones. iPhone launched in 2007 created true disruption in computing. Today, mobile apps has overtaken PC in internet usage.
As new and new wearables such as Google watch, Apple watch are coming to the market, can we expect that these devices are going to disrupt the computing market?
I expect only two capabilities in a device to be disruptive
  1. Ability to connect to internet
  2. Capability to do tasks done by other computing devices
Smartphones were disruptive as they had capability to connect to internet and do most tasks done by other devices. Point 2 was partially satisfied.
Lets examine how wearables should be designed to be really disruptive.... More